Where to buy affordable art?

Not everyone can afford a banana duct taped to their walls for $6.4 million!
So where can the rest of us get our art?
Many years ago, I went to the affordable art fair in Singapore with a group of Japanese friends who were exhibiting there. The art pieces were great over all but even though it was called the affordable art fair, the prices ranged in the thousands.
In the same evening we all met for drinks and one of my friends Hiro asked me what kind of art I would hang on my walls. I never really thought about it, but it made me realise that I want to have a mix of my own creations and other interesting art pieces I encounter and I set on a mission to fill up my apartment walls.
Since I am a very price conscious person, I knew I needed to be creative about finding affordable art and thats why I am sharing my learning journey tips which I hope will give you some cool ideas.
Tip 1 - make your own art!
This is a very personal tip, as I am good at drawing but never really did any more serious paintings until I was stuck in quarantine for 14 days during COVID. So during the quarantine with the help of a lot of Youtube videos, I learned how to paint with acrylics and painted 5 pieces which are always getting a lot of attention from our guests.

Sub-tip - learn how to paint?
Instead of paying more than a $1,000 to buy a painting, why not spend this money on art lessons and hang your own creations?
Sub-tip2 - Some of users on Prrink.com actually upload their own children's drawings or their old photographs and print them on bigger framed wall art.
Tip 2 - Flea markets, thrift shops and second hand stores
I love flea markets, they are like a time capsule of the city or country they are in. Most flea markets have lots of really amazing art just laying around waiting for the right person to pick them up.

Second hand stores and thrift stores are also great places to bargain hunt for art, in both cases you can try to bring down the price and you can get away with a special oil painting with some unique frames for a few bucks.

In my last trip to Greece, I was really tempted to get this art piece at the flea market in Athens. Even though it was in a bad shape, this person portrait oil painting had something really special in it which is hard to explain.. but unfortunately it didn't resonate as much with my second half.
Tip 3 - Etsy and online marketplaces
Etsy is a great place to find affordable art as it has a lot of creative art and sellers who make a living from selling their art on these kind of marketplaces.
However, in the past few years, Etsy has become more commercial and it's harder to find trustworthy sellers these days.
Our other favourite websites:
Great selection of curated artists and art pieces

Huge catalogue of art pieces

Prrinks user generated wall art give some great ideas which you can also remix with your own prompts
Check out our own Prrink Gallery where you can find our users art ideas which you can also print or remix them into your own creations
Tip 4 - Support local artists
During the past weekend we went to an art school open house event with many art stalls that the students set up. The art pieces were smallish but only a few bucks each!
I asked one of the students if she is willing to make bigger pieces and of course she was happy to do it a pretty good price of around $200-$300.

Local art shows and galleries are all around us, you just need to look out for them in your area and of course it's always nicer to support your local artists!!
Sub-tip - Supporting local artists is good karma
Supporting more local art brings new life to your community and eventually attracts more affluent crowds which comes back to you in the form of your property value going up.
Tip 5 - Print your own AI art!
Yes you heard it right! The painting at the top of this article was actually made with AI!
My daughter is a major bookworm and we wanted to surprise her with a nice wall art for her room. So we just prompted some ideas on the AI generator and we got this beautiful pen sketch of a girl sitting on a bean bag with her book.

AI art allows you make things that no other artist has ever thought about before like a dramatic photo-realistic art piece of an Alien riding a horse! or a painting of Chinese girl eating a sandwich - how cool is that?
For creating and printing AI art, we really recommend checking out our platform Prrink.com!

Our AI art generation model is optimised for wall and t-shirt art and creates really stunning art pieces in any kind of imaginable art style.
Here is one of our customer's creations.. which you guessed it right, he does have a turtle living with him in his apartment and he is totally into Japanese art.

His totally unique art is now hanging on his wall and getting a lot of love from his turtle and visiting guests.
With Prrink.com, you can generate your AI art and order it printed and shipped worldwide within a week or two for very affordable prices from $16 onwards.
As we are eco-conscious, we offer the option to order both the framed and unframed rolled poster version of your print so that you can source your own frames locally instead of shipping the frames across the world.
If you are lucky to find a good matching frame locally in places like IKEA for around $25-$40 and print from Prrink for around $16-$60 you can get away with an amazing art print for around $100. Or save all the hassle and get everything complete from Prrink for a little more.
If you want to learn more about how to come up with AI art ideas, you can check our other article for tip for making AI print ideas!
Happy wall art hunting and we hope you fill your walls with beautiful art and improve your well-being!!
Prrink.com - print amazing custom AI generated or uploaded art on high quality t-shirts, wall art and more. We ship worldwide, we are eco-conscious and offer transparent pricing with no minimum order quantity.
We can't wait to see what you Prrink 💪
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